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Sparkling Gems of Truth

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Leola Rosenvold
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 This book which you hold in your hands will examine the sparkling gems of gospel truths to be found in sacred writings. As we pluck the gems off the strings, one by one, to examine them closely in the light of the Sun of Righteousness, we will see a glorious light of intrinsic beauty reflected from each gem.

Some of God's sparkling jewels are to be found deep in the mines of His Word. Others may lie near the surface. Many neglect the serious study necessary for growth in grace. The strings of heavenly gems is left buried beneath all the mundane things we feel are so important, but which in light of eternity, are mere rubbish.

   These pages were written to stimulate youth and adults alike to study and to experience the intrinsic luster of the divine gems. Our aim has been to present truths so clearly that readers can, in turn, share them with others, including children. Because of his simple faith in God, sometimes a child can appreciate practical truths even more than can an adult.