This volume of the Questions on Doctrine Sextet explores in further depth the reason why there was so little public opposition to Questions on Doctrine though it taught doctrines alien to those believed by earlier Seventh-day Adventists and also by the overwhelmingly number of leaders in the 1950s. Clearly there were multiple reasons, which are explored in this volume. Yet, the sacred integrity of the precious truths which God had entrusted to the Seventh-day Adventist people were at stake. Momentous issues were in jeopardy. The integrity of God s sacred end-time truths were in the balance.
Truth essential to the preparation for God's people to be ready to receive the seal of the living God and the latter rain to complete the gospel commission were dangerously compromised. When opposition was raised, determined measures were undertaken by key leaders which, it would seem, intimated many would-be critics of Questions on Doctrine. How tragic! The results are the worst apostasy in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In the following fifty years that apostasy has deepened.
We pray that this volume and the others in this sextet will have apart in fulfilling this call: It is thought by some to be a misfortune when erroneous theories are advanced, but the Lord has said, All things work together for the good to them that love God.