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(E-Book)144,000 The Great Multitude

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Colin And Russel Standish
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Fascinating as it has been to many Christians, few have solved the mystery of the 144,000 and the great multitude of the book of Revelation. Yet the pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church focused much attention upon them. Like a sudden and unexpected flash of blinding lighting, this group of 144,000 is introduced in Revelation chapter 7 and again in another lightening flash in Revelation chapter 14, never again to be mentioned. The Old Testament is silent on the topic; Christ said nothing about it; neither did the writers of the gospels or the apostolic epistles. Yet the authors solve most of the divisive interpretations from the Bible itself and show how important is the understanding of these groups to all Christians. The authors solve most of the divisive interpretations from the Bible itself.